2015 Forums & Conferences

Downtown NJ League of Municipalities Session, November 17, 2015
“How to Encourage and Enhance Investment in Your Downtown – From Infrastructure to Management and Marketing”

Tuesday, November 17, 2015
Atlantic City Convention Center
3:45 pm -5:15 pm – Room 318

Overview This session will introduce municipal leaders to the techniques they should consider to encourage and enhance investment in Downtowns. Panelists will address: how to create a welcoming and safe downtown environment (i.e. design guidelines, policing, Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design: CPTED); best practices of downtown management (i.e. SIDs, marketing campaigns, special events, art in the downtown, etc.); and the retailer and developer strategy to success.

Hon. Victor DeLuca, Mayor, Maplewood Township, Moderator
Paul Camella, Director of Development, WELCO Realty, Inc.
Marc Perel, President, ARC Properties
Alex Fanfarillo, Chief of Police, Glassboro, NJ
Beth Lippman, President Administrative Resources, Inc. and Executive Director, Livingston and Springfield BIDs
Stuart Koperweis, Millennium Strategies

Click here for a Session Overview

2015 Annual Conference, Thursday, June 11, 2015
“Your Downtown: The New Frontier” From Main Street to the Highway

We are pleased to announce the Downtown New Jersey, Inc. (DNJ) annual conference “Your Downtown: The New Frontier” From Main Street to the Highway focusing on programs, initiatives and creative ways to improve the economic vitality of the downtown retail environment.

This year’s conference will be held on Thursday, June 11, 2015 at Union County Performing Arts Mainstage Theater in Rahway, NJ from 8:30am to 3:30 pm. In addition to the two conference sessions and a special counseling session with Dr. Downtown, we have set aside ample time for attendees to visit our sponsor exhibits.

Keynote Speakers:
Kennedy Smith

DNJ’s annual conference is always a wonderful opportunity to network with public officials, real estate and legal professionals, developers, business and property owners, industry leaders, community volunteers and downtown managers in an informative and dynamic atmosphere.

A big thank you goes out to this year’s sponsors:

Investors Bank
Ben Shaffer & Associates
Woodmont Properties
Greenbaum Rowe Smith Davis
Peter Primavera Partners
NJ Economic Development Authority
Spire Group
My Downtown Mobile
Mill Creek Trust
Millenium Strategies
Raliegh Outdoor Decor


Session 1– SID Relevancy and the new Paradigm – Government, Retail, pop-ups, entertainment/arts, Redevelopment/PACE, Economic Development; plus Land Use, Parking and Planning.

Session 2– Best Practices – Boards, OPRA, Government Relations, Stakeholders.

Conference Downloads / Session Downloads:

Workshop on BID Manager Contracts and Performance Agreements
PPP, BID & Managed Business District Performance Survey

Pre-Conference Downloads:

Welcome Letter