Ride My Seesaw
Downtown Westfield Corporation leveraged their Main Street New Jersey grant to install a unique family-friendly attraction that would draw crowds to downtown in the winter.
Downtown Westfield Corporation leveraged their Main Street New Jersey grant to install a unique family-friendly attraction that would draw crowds to downtown in the winter.
Brownfields redevelopment is a team sport. Developing relationships and meaningful partnerships are critical to success.
February 8, 2021 – Action Alert: Advancing legislation is extremely detrimental to a municipality’s ability to incentivize and support downtown redevelopment.
February 5, 2021 – Another round of PPP and a new State Economic Recovery bill. Check out the special COVID-19 update to see how your downtown is affected.
February 5, 2021 – Downtown New Jersey acts as an advocate for downtown commercial districts in New Jersey, tracking legislative, regulatory, and policy issues that can affect the success of the state’s downtowns.
February 5, 2021 – As the COVID-19 pandemic was creating unprecedented public health and economic pressure across the state, Commercial District Services responded by helping districts rise to the challenge; offering heightened sanitation services, creating access to COVID testing, and providing financial support to local businesses and community members.