
Westfield Workshop

Master Planning & Community Engagement for Your Downtown

April 30, 2019: The Town of Westfield, under the leadership of Mayor Shelley Brindle, has committed to leading a community-wide, collaborative process to reexamine its master plan to address issues of land use, transportation and parking, housing, downtown economic development, community facilities and historic preservation. The town wants a community driven plan, one that defines the vision that residents, business owners, and their employees have for the Town of Westfield, and therefore has established a comprehensive public engagement plan.

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Round Table Logo

Downtown Management Round Table

March 15, 2019: More than 20 downtown managers, economic development directors and non-profit representatives gathered at round table discussion in Newark on March 15th to exchange ideas about hot topics in downtown economic development. The topic for this round table was funding for facade improvements and other downtown beautification initiatives.

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Are There Virtues in Vice?

March 8, 2019: Vices. New Jersey cities and towns have long tried to regulate vices and the businesses that supply them: bars, tattoo parlors, smoke shops, and various forms of adult entertainment. Yet, as more towns look to reinvigorate their Main Street storefronts and downtown areas, are there ways that some of these vices could actually be beneficial to a municipality?

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NJTOD.Org is New Jersey’s Home for TOD News

February 14, 2019: (formerly known as the Transit-Friendly Development Newsletter) is New Jersey’s online resource for up-to-date information on the creation of vibrant communities around transit stations and stops. We explore the potential for and practice of development and redevelopment in station areas, commonly known as Transit-Oriented Development (or TOD).

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Policy News Feature

Downtown New Jersey Policy Watch – February 2019

February 12, 2019: Downtown New Jersey acts as an advocate for downtown commercial districts in New Jersey, tracking judicial and legislative issues that can affect the success of the state’s downtowns and then informing and educating members on these issues. Since our last Policy Watch, there has been movement on a few bills impacting downtowns…

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Jersey City's Long History with SIDs

Jersey City’s Long History with SIDs

January 22, 2019: Special improvement districts (SID) enhance municipal downtowns all over the state. Jersey City, the second largest municipality in the State, is lucky enough to have six SIDs! Jersey City is a collection of multiple neighborhoods with its respective ‘main street’.

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