njtpa lrtp social media webinar downtowns (1134 x 650 px)

Join us for a virtual listening session, where you tell us what works (and what we need to improve!) in the transportation system you use every day. This session will focus on striking a balance between the people and services that use our downtown spaces. Variables include pedestrians, businesses, ride-hailing services, delivery trucks, public transportation, cyclists, and parking for personal vehicles. After short presentations from experts, we invite you to join facilitated small group discussions to share your ideas on how to balance people, parking, and deliveries in our busy downtowns.


  • Alison Conway, Associate Professor of Civil Engineering, City College of New York 
  • Michael J. Manzella, AICP, Director of Transportation Planning, Jersey City

Your input is critical to inform the North Jersey Transportation Planning Authority’s next long-range transportation plan (LRTP), Connecting Communities. This plan will recommend policies, programs, and investments that will affect everyone in northern and central New Jersey.

This event is presented by NJTPA and Downtown New Jersey

Date: Tuesday, March 25th 

Time: 11:30am 

Place: Virtual via Zoom 

 Please register using the link below! 


Coming soon! 

DNJ Events