Past DNJ Events

New Jersey Downtown Conference Logo

Annual NJ Downtown Conference Focuses on Recovery

January 19-22, 2021 – Downtown New Jersey’s annual conference and New Jersey’s premiere economic development event, Downtown Recovery: Survive and Thrive in 2021, offered insights and lessons into downtown management best practices, as well as development, business, and retail market trends.

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Winning Winter Challenge

Winning Winter

October 2, 2020 – Metuchen Downtown Alliance Executive Director, Isaac Kremer, and Storefront Mastery‘s Storefront Ninja, Jaime Izurieta, led a discussion about best practices in placemaking to make your downtown inviting and comfortable during cold weather.

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Downtown New Jersey Forum Management

The Retail New Deal

September 18, 2020 – National retail consultant and Downtown specialist Mike Berne, President of New York City and San Francisco Bay Area-based MJB Consulting, led a discussion about harnessing creative thinking, collaboration, and adaptability to encourage the timely emergence of new innovations and business models in response to changing realities and unforeseeable shocks.

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