Member Updates

Got Brownfields

Got Brownfields?

October 15, 2020 – NJ’s municipalities now have a free resource to help them overcome the challenges brownfields pose to our communities. The NJ Brownfields Assistance Center @ NJIT is the first-of-its-kind center that solely focuses on and serves New Jersey.  

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Marketing During a Global pandemic

Marketing During a Global Pandemic

Sept. 21, 2020 – Small business owners have a lot to think about, but the possibility of a global pandemic was likely not chief among their worries. Now that we are facing one, local businesses are facing a host of challenges. Communicating effectively with customers and clients has never been more important. 

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DNJ Members Step Up with Local Relief Funds to assist businesses during pandemic

Spotlight Relief Funds

July 21, 2020 – In this edition of Member Spotlight, we want to recognize and thank the many DNJ members that have implemented local fundraising efforts to provide direct assistance to the businesses, first responders, and vulnerable community members.

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An Essential Source of Support and Investment for New Jersey Downtowns

Value Of SIDS

July 15, 2020 – Now more than ever, it is important to recognize that local governments and SIDs stand together, effectuating a critical partnership that supports and strengthens municipal services.

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Farmers Markets in the New Normal

May 13, 2020 – During an online Downtown Management Forum, we were joined by Rachel Sieg of the HDSID and Rebecca Hersh of Main Street Highland Park, to lead a conversation about reopening farmer’s markets safely and successfully.

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