Downtown Budgeting Now
April 24, 2020 – We were joined by Donna Ann Harris of Heritage Consulting Inc. to discuss the BID board’s role in financial oversight and budgeting in light of COVID-19 economic impacts.
April 24, 2020 – We were joined by Donna Ann Harris of Heritage Consulting Inc. to discuss the BID board’s role in financial oversight and budgeting in light of COVID-19 economic impacts.
April 17, 2020 – We were joined by Marta Person Villa, NJ Retail Lead and Senior Vice President with Jones Lang LaSalle and a former SID director, municipal administrator, and DNJ President. Ms. Villa discussed “what’s next” – how does your downtown recover from economic upheaval, and what can you do now to plan for a time when we’re all back to business?
March 27, 2020 – We were joined by Christina Fuentes, Director of Small Business Services at NJEDA and Erika Calderon, Small Business Legislative Aid from Senator Menendez’s office to discuss programs to provide economic relief to downtowns and small business.
March 20, 2020 – During an online Downtown Management Forum, downtown management professionals exchanged ideas about best practices related to downtown economic development in light of the COVID-19 crisis. Participants shared concerns for small businesses and their employees, questions for clarity related to closures, and policy and legislative needs to further assist small businesses.
February 7, 2020 – More than 30 public officials, downtown managers, and economic development directors gathered at round table discussion in East Orange to exchange ideas about hot topics in downtown economic development.
January 28, 2020 – The City of East Orange is experiencing a building boom. The most important ingredient to this success has been the proactive and inclusive growth environment that Mayor Ted Green and East Orange City Council have created.