Courtenay D. Mercer
Executive Director, Downtown New Jersey
Rebecca Kutner
Assistant Planner, Downtown New Jersey
February 5, 2021 (Updated February 22, 2021)
Downtown New Jersey acts as an advocate for downtown commercial districts in New Jersey, tracking legislative, regulatory, and policy issues that can affect the success of the state’s downtowns and then informing and educating members on these issues. For more detail about how the New Jersey Economic Recovery Act of 2020 and new Federal Relief Bill affect your downtown see the special COVID-19 policy watch update.
Since our last Policy Watch, there has been movement on a few bills impacting downtowns:
- Action Alert: Legislation (ACS A1571 & A1576) that requires prevailing wage on projects receiving tax abatements or exemptions was reported from the Assembly Labor Committee on January 25, 2021. The bill also expands the application of prevailing wage to work on a property or premise leased by a public body – current law only applies to properties 55% leased by a public body, the new bill reduces the percentage to 35%.Downtown New Jersey sees this legislation as detrimental to a municipality’s ability to incentivize and support downtown redevelopment. We oppose the state mandate of such requirements on local tax incentives. We believe it should be up to the locality to determine policy directives related to tax incentives that are most appropriate to local circumstances. We urge our members to contact their legislators to voice opposition to these types of encumbrances on your redevelopment and revitalization abilities. More information>
- Legislation (P.L.2021, c.16, A21/S21) legalizing the recreational use of marijuana, (P.L.2021, c.19, A1897/S2535) decriminalizing marijuana and hashish possession, and (P.L.2021, c.25, A3542/S3454) clarifying penalties for use and possession of marijuana and cannabis for individuals under the age of 21, were all signed by Governor Murphy on February 22, 2021.
- Legislation (S1/A3389) which amends the Civil Service laws by removing barriers that made shared service agreements challenging between Civil Service and local non-Civil Service local units, was reported out of the Senate Budget and Appropriations Committee for a 2nd reading on February 11, 2021. There has been no movement on the Assembly bill.
- Legislation (P.L.2021, c.15, S3340/A5246), which provides expanded outdoor dining for restaurants, bars, distilleries, and breweries and permits certain alcohol sales at seasonal farm markets in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, was signed by Governor Murphy on February 5, 2021. Governor Murphy also signed Executive Order 219, which expands indoor dining capacity for some establishments to 35% from 25%, on February 3, 2021.
- The New Jersey Economic Recovery Act of 2020 (P.L.2020, c.156, A4/S3295) was signed into law on January 7, 2021. The new law is a comprehensive tax reform in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. It addresses various programs and policies aimed at supporting small businesses, development, job creation, and community projects. Read more about the legislation in DNJ’s special COVID-19 policy watch update.
- Legislation (P.L.2020. c,138, S3046/A4875) that extends document submission deadlines for Urban Transit Hub Tax Credit (UTHTC) and Economic Redevelopment and Growth Grant Program (ERGG) was signed into law on December 23, 2020.
- Legislation (S283) allowing producers to sell their freshly-baked products at farm markets was reported out of the Senate Economic Growth Committee on January 14, 2021. There has been no movement on the Assembly companion bill.
- Legislation (S1977) establishing the Main Street Economic Growth Program – a tax credit encouraging business development in small, highly developed municipalities – was reported out of the Senate Economic Growth Committee and referred to the Senate Budget and Appropriations Committee on December 14, 2020. There has been no movement on the Assembly companion bill (A1345).
- Legislation (A2877) requiring registration of vacant and abandoned properties and providing enforcement tools related to maintenance of these properties, was reported out of the Assembly Community Development and Affairs Committee on December 14, 2020. There has been no movement on Senate companion bill (S1149).
- Legislation (S3095) establishing an expedited construction inspection program was reported out of the Community and Urban Affairs Committee on December 10, 2020. There has been no movement on the Assembly companion bill (A4850) since October 22, 2020.
While COVID-related legislative activity has slowed down since the summer, there has been movement on some bills. Below is a list of the legislation that has passed. For more information about these bills or pending legislation, check out the “COVID-Related Legislation” section below.
- Legislation (P.L.2020, c.146, A4589/S2597) extending the ability to sell alcoholic beverages under a summer seasonal retail consumption license until January 14, 2022 (the typical season is May 1 through November 14) was signed into law on December 30, 2020.
- Legislation (S3234/A5149) that allows a tax deduction of expenses forgiven under a paycheck protection program loan and excludes those forgiven loans from gross income tax passed in the Senate on January 28, 2021, and was referred to the Assembly Appropriations Committee.
- Legislation (S3305) that allows tax credit for non-residential building improvement expenses to reduce the spread of COVID-19 was reported from the Senate Budget and Appropriations Committee on January 21, 2021.
- Legislation (A5133/S3374) that expands indoor capacity for food or beverage establishments and banquet and wedding venues under certain circumstances during COVID-19 was reported out of the committee Assembly Commerce and Economic Development Committee on January 13, 2021. A companion bill was introduced in the Senate on January 21, 2021 and referred to the Health, Human Services and Senior Citizens Committee.
- Legislation (A5135/S3316)establishing Statewide standards for the use of heaters and tents by restaurants during the COVID-19 public health emergency was reported from the Assembly Commerce and Economic Development Committee on January 13, 2021. A companion bill was introduced in the Senate on January 7, 2021 and referred to the Community and Urban Affairs Committee.
- Legislation (A5136/S3365) that includes use of physical barriers as social distancing measures for food or beverage establishments during COVID-19 pandemic was reported out of the Assembly Commerce and Economic Development Committee on January 13, 2021. A companion bill was introduced in the Senate on January 21, 2021 and referred to the Health, Human Services and Senior Citizens Committee.
- Legislation (A5137/S3317) waiving the Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control fee for COVID-19 Expansion Permits was reported out of the Assembly Commerce and Economic Development Committee to the Appropriations Committee on January 13, 2021. A companion bill was introduced in the Senate and referred to the Law and Public Safety Committee on January 7, 2021.
COVID-Related Legislation
(Listed in order of most recent action.)
A5149/S3234: Allows deduction from tax of certain expenses when taxpayer’s federal paycheck protection program loan is forgiven and excludes those forgiven loans from gross income tax. The legislation would allow a tax deduction of expenses forgiven under a paycheck protection program loan and excludes those forgiven loans from gross income tax. The bill in the Senate on January 28, 2021, and was referred to the Assembly Appropriations Committee.S3305: Allows tax credit for non-residential building improvement expenses to reduce spread of COVID-9. The legislation… The bill was introduced in the Senate on January 7, 2021 and referred to the Senate Budget and Appropriations Committee, and was subsequently reported out of Committee with amendments on January 21, 2021.A5133/S3374: Expands indoor capacity for food or beverage establishments and banquet and wedding venues under certain circumstances during COVID-19 pandemic. The legislation enables any food or beverage establishment, or banquet or wedding venue to increase capacity if it certifies that it has taken measures to mitigate risk. The bill was introduced in the Assembly on December 10, 2020 and referred to the Commerce and Economic Development Committee, and was subsequently reported out of committee on January 13, 2021. A companion bill was introduced in the Senate and referred to the Health, Human Services and Senior Citizens Committee on January 21, 2021.A5135/S3316: Established Statewide standards for use of heater and tents by restaurants during COVID-19 public health emergency. The legislation establishes requirements for the use of tents and heaters for outdoor dining. The bill was introduced in the Assembly and referred to the Commerce and Economic Development Committee on December 10, 2020, and was subsequently reported out of committee on January 13, 2021. A companion bill was introduced in the Senate on January 7, 2021 and referred to the Community and Urban Affairs Committee.A5136/S3365: Includes use of physical barriers as social distancing measures for food or beverage establishments during COVID-19 pandemic. The legislation establishes requirements for indoor dining. The bill was introduced in the Assembly and referred to the Commerce and Economic Development Committee on December 10, 2020, and was subsequently reported out of committee on January 13, 2021. A companion bill was introduced in the Senate on January 21, 2021 and referred to the Health, Human Services and Senior Citizens Committee.A5137/S3317: Requires ABC to waive fee for alcoholic beverage COVID-19 Expansion Permit. The legislation waives the Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control fee for COVID-19 Expansion Permits. The bill was introduced in the Assembly and referred to the Commerce and Economic Development Committee on December 10, 2020, and was subsequently referred to the Appropriations Committee on January 13, 2021. A companion bill was introduced in the Senate on January 7, 2021 and referred to the Law and Public Safety Committee. A5139/S3337: Concerns restaurant tents during COVID-19 pandemic. The legislation would allow restaurants to seat patrons in an open air space with a fixed roof or temporary or season cover with at least two sides for egress. The roof or awning must not have accumulated more than 2 inches of snow. The intent of the bill is to exempt restaurants from certain requirements on snow certification during the pandemic. The Assembly bill was introduced on December 10, 2020 and referred to the Assembly Commerce and Economic Development Committee. There was a second reading on January 13, 2021. A companion bill was introduced in the Senate on January 11, 2021.LATEST MOVEMENT IN DECEMBER
S2354/A3920: Prohibits cancellation or non-renewal of insurance for a period of at least 60 days. The legislation prohibits the cancellation or non-renewal of insurance for a period of at least 60 days during a public health emergency. The legislation also waives late fees and penalties, finance charges, delinquency charges, and prohibits late payment reporting to credit rating agencies. The bill passed both houses on October 29, 2020, but the Governor conditionally vetoed the bill on December 14, 2020. The Senate concurred with the Governor’s recommendations on December 17, 2020 and referred the legislation back to the Assembly for concurrence.S2872/A5170: Establishes Essential Employees Hazard Compensation and Employer Liability Limited Program. The legislation affords COVID-19 liability protections and incentivizes employers to provide hazard pay to eligible employees who perform work in essential jobs that subject them to an elevated risk of being exposed to coronavirus disease or contracting COVID-19. The bill was introduced in the Senate and referred to the Labor Committee on September 14, 2020. A companion bill was introduced in the Assembly and referred to the Labor Committee on December 17, 2020.S3048/A5182: Appropriates $5 million to EDA to assist certain event-related businesses negatively impacted by COVID-19 pandemic. The legislation directs to the NJEDA to use $5 million of CARES Act funding to provide grants to event-related businesses in this State including, but not limited to, event venues, disc jockeys, caterers, and photographers, that have been required to cancel events due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The bill was introduced in the Senate and referred to the Economic Growth Committee on October 22, 2020. A companion bill was introduced in the Assembly and referred to the Commerce and Economic Development Committee on December 21, 2020.LATEST MOVEMENT IN JULY OR EARLIER
S2542/A4418: Allows municipality to suspend certain zoning requirements during COVID-19 emergency. The legislation allow a municipality, by resolution, to suspend or temporarily modify specific provisions of a zoning ordinance, or grant temporary relief from the terms and conditions of a prior land approval, in order to facilitate the ability of a business to resume operation during the COVID-19 emergency. The bill passed in the Senate on June 15, 2020. A companion bill was introduced on July 20, 2020 in the Assembly and was referred to the Assembly State and Local Government Committee.S2485/A4228: Authorizes municipality to prohibit eviction as a remedy of nonpayment of rent due during time surrounding COVID-19 pandemic. The legislation authorizes municipalities to prohibit eviction as remedy for nonpayment of residential or commercial rent through the COVID-19 State of Emergency. The bill passed the Senate with an amendment excluding commercial tenants on June 29, 2020. A companion bill was reported out of the Assembly Appropriations Committee on June 25, 2020. Subsequent to the Assembly bill, the amended Senate bill was received in the Assembly, without assignment, for a second reading, on July 2, 2020. Liability Protection Bills Introduced (NJBIA – July 10, 2020)- S2634/A4440: Establishes general immunity for entities against actions relating to Coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic or related viral strain in subsequent years. The bill was introduced in the Senate and referred to the Judiciary Committee on June 29, 2020. A companion bill was introduced in the Assembly and referred to the Judiciary Committee on July 23, 2020.
- S2628/A4377: Establishes general immunity for businesses against actions relating to Coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic or related viral strain in subsequent years. The bill was introduced in the Senate and referred to the Judiciary Committee on June 29, 2020. A companion bill was introduced in the Assembly and referred to the Judiciary Committee on July 2, 2020.
S2363/A3921: Authorizes Governor to permit emergency rent suspension for certain small business tenants during COVID-19 pandemic.
The legislation authorizes the Governor to issue executive order allowing rent suspension of up to 3 months for distressed small business tenants. The rent would be repaid over 6 to 9 months, commencing the 2nd month after the end of the emergency declaration. The bill passed both houses on April 13, 2020. Governor Murphy issued an absolute veto of this legislation on May 28, 2020.
A3846/S2293: Creates “Temporary Lost Wage Unemployment Program;” allows persons to claim for lost wages due to coronavirus disease 2019, and employers to pay wages to workers ordered under quarantine by licensed healthcare practitioner; appropriates $20,000,000.
The legislation provides provide, to the extent funds are available, monetary relief to individuals for actual lost wages in an amount that is equivalent to the individual’s average weekly rate of compensation from the past calendar year, if the individuals do not have fully paid leave and to employers who pay wages to workers who are ordered under quarantine by a licensed healthcare practitioner as a result of coronavirus disease 2019. There will also be moneys, not to exceed $10,000,000, to pay the lost wages of individuals due to (1) the individual’s absence from work due to the need to care for a family member; (2) the individual’s absence from work due to the illness of the individual; (3) the individual’s absence from work due to school or childcare facility being closed; and (4) for such other purposes as determined by the commissioner. The bill passed both houses on March 19, 2020. Governor Murphy issued an absolute veto of this legislation on May 4, 2020.
Other Legislation Impacting Downtowns
(Listed in order of most recent action. Highlighted text represents adopted laws.)
S1/A3389: Encourages shared services between Civil Service and non-Civil Service units. This legislation would amend the Civil Service laws by removing barriers that make it difficult to share services between Civil Service and non-Civil Service local units. The Senate bill was reported out of the Senate Budget and Appropriations Committee on February 11, 2021 with a Committee substitute for a 2nd reading. There has been no movement on the Assembly since it was referred to the Assembly Commerce and Economic Development Committee on February 25, 2020.
A50/S283: Concerns baked goods sold at farm markets.
The legislation allows producers to sell their freshly-baked products at farm markets in wrapped or covered containers without being weighed. The bill was introduced to the Assembly and Senate on January 14, 2020 and referred to the Agriculture Committee and Economic Growth Committee, respectively. The bill was reported out of the Senate Economic Growth Committee on January 14, 2021. There has been no movement on the Assembly companion bill.
S73/A4580: Establishes requirements for sale of home baked goods.
The legislation establishes requirements for the sale of home baked goods at the baker’s home, a consumer’s home, a farmer’s market, a farm stand, or a county, municipal, or nonprofit fair, festival, or event; the bill prohibits selling or offering for sale home baked goods over the Internet, wholesale, or to a commercial retailer for resale. The bill passed in the Senate on July 30, 2020. A companion bill was was reported out of the Assembly Consumer Affairs Committee on October 19, 2020.
S976/A3665: Establishes “Art in Storefronts” initiative within the Main Street New Jersey program.
The legislation establishes a program within the Department of Community Affairs that offers “Main Street New Jersey” municipalities technical assistance and information to help the municipality facilitate arrangements between artists and property owners for the temporary placement of original artwork in downtown vacant storefront windows. The bill was introduced in the Senate and referred to the Economic Growth Committee on January 30, 2020. A companion bill was introduced in the Assembly on March 16, 2020 and referred to the Commerce and Economic Development Committee.
S1149/A2877:Requires registration of certain vacant and abandoned properties with municipalities and provides enforcement tools related to maintenance of these properties.
The legislation requires the responsible party for a vacant and abandoned property to register the property with the municipality in which the property is located and would provide enforcement tools related to the maintenance of these properties. The bill was reported put of the Senate Community and Urban Affairs Committee and was referred to the Budget and Appropriations Committee on October 8, 2020. A companion bill was introduced in the Assembly on February 20, 2020 and referred to the Community Development and Affairs Committee. The Assembly bill was reported out of committee on December 14, 2020.
A4850/S3095: Establishes expedited construction inspection program.
The legislation authorize a property owner to retain a private agency to perform construction code inspections if the local code enforcing agency is unable to complete an inspection within three business days of the time the owner requests the inspection to be performed. The bill was reported out of the Assembly Commerce and Economic Development Committee and referred to the Appropriations Committee on October 22, 2020. A companion bill was introduced in the Senate on November 5, 2020 and referred to the Community and Urban Affairs Committee. The Senate bill was reported out of committee on December 10, 2020.
A1653/S2142: Encourages development of zero-emission vehicle fueling and charging infrastructure in redevelopment projects. The legislation adds definitions of electric vehicle charging stations (EVCS), authorizes EVCS to be included in redevelopment plans and projects, and allows municipalities to use redevelopment funding streams to build public EVCS. The bill was introduced in the Assembly and referred to Commerce and Economic Development Committee on January 14, 2020, then reported out on January 27, 2020. Floor amendments were passed on February 24, 2020. The bill passed in the Assembly on July 30, 2020. A companion bill was introduced in the Senate on March 16, 2020 and referred to the Community and Urban Affairs Committee.
A250/S2051: Establishes fire safety standards and protocols for certain light frame residential construction; requires placards identifying primary structural systems of buildings.
The legislation establishes a number of fire safety standards for light frame construction of new multiple dwellings, hotels, and 18 rooming and boarding houses with more than two dwelling or sleeping units. The bill was introduced in the Assembly and referred to the Housing Committee on January 14, 2020. A companion bill was introduced in the Senate on March 16, 2020 and referred to the Community and Urban Affairs Committee.
A2726: Permits municipalities to require registration of vacant and abandoned properties and use registration fee proceeds to maintain these properties.
The legislation clarifies the authority of municipalities to require registration of vacant and abandoned properties. It further allows municipalities to impose escalating fees on said property, the proceeds of which may be used to maintain the same. The bill was introduced in the Assembly and referred to the Housing and Community Development Committee on February 13, 2020.

P.L.2021, c.16 (A21/S21): “New Jersey Cannabis Regulatory, Enforcement Assistance, and Marketplace Modernization Act.”
This legislation will regulate the medical and adult-use industries and oversee the applications for licensing of cannabis businesses. It also allows for the Legislature to reinvest cannabis revenues in designated “impact zones” and directs the county Community Resource Center to promote diversity and inclusion in business ownership. The legislation also contains critical employment protections for people who engage in lawful behavior with respect to cannabis. The bill was approved and signed by Governor Murphy on February 22, 2021.
P.L.2021, c.19 (A1897/S2535): Provides criminal and civil justice reforms pertaining to marijuana and hashish possession.
This legislation reforms criminal and civil penalties for marijuana and hashish offenses, such as using unlawful low-level distribution and possession offenses in pre-trial release, probation, and parole proceedings. It also stipulates remedies for people who are facing marijuana charges currently. The bill was approved and signed by Governor Murphy on February 22, 2021.
P.L.2021, c.25 (A5342/S3454): Clarifies penalties of use and possession of marijuana and cannabis for individuals under the age of 21.
This legislation also corrects inconsistencies in A21 and A1897 regarding use and possession penalties for those who are under the age of 21. The bill was approved and signed by Governor Murphy on February 22, 2021.
A2408: Provides medical cannabis dispensaries permitted use status in certain zoning districts.
This bill would provide that a medical cannabis dispensary is a permitted use in a commercial or business district of a municipality, and in any other zoning district within which a pharmacy, a drugstore, or a retail business is a permitted or conditional use. A medical cannabis dispensary is defined here as an organization that has been issued a permit by the State to, among other things, purchase medical cannabis and sell it to qualifying patients. The bill was reintroduced to the Assembly on February 3, 2020 and referred to the Commerce and Economic Development Committee.
A1661: Decouples State tax provisions from federal prohibition on cannabis business expense deductions.
This bill decouples the corporation business tax from the federal income tax provision that prohibits deductions and credits for cannabis businesses. The bill also decouples corporation income under the gross income tax from the federal provision. The bill was reintroduced to the Assembly on January 14, 2020 and referred to the Oversight, Reform and Federal Relations Committee.
A2254/S65: Provides medical cannabis is not subject to State sales tax.
This bill provides that medical cannabis dispensed to a registered qualifying patient from a medical cannabis dispensary or clinical registrant will not be subject to any tax imposed under the “Sales and Use Tax Act.” The bill was reintroduced to the Assembly on January 14, 2020 and referred to the Health Committee. A companion bill was also introduced in the Senate on January 14, 2020 and referred to the Health, Human Services and Senior Citizens Committee.
A353: Changes State assistance to Urban Enterprise zones over seven years by increasing reduced sales tax in enterprise zones and dedicating increase to zone municipalities.
The legislation changes the proportional split and length of availability of reduced sales tax associated with an urban enterprise zone. The bill was introduced in the Assembly and referred to the Commerce and Economic Development Committee on January 14, 2020.