Policy Watch

Policy News Feature

DNJ Policy Watch – June 2019

June 6, 2019: Downtown New Jersey acts as an advocate for downtown commercial districts in New Jersey, tracking judicial and legislative issues that can affect the success of the state’s downtowns and then informing and educating members on these issues. Since our last Policy Watch, there has been movement on a few bills impacting downtowns…

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Downtown New Jersey: Our Legislative Watchdog

Negative Impact on redevelopment linked to PILOTs

May 17, 2019: For decades, New Jersey has experienced notable success with redeveloping many of its distressed areas by affording municipalities the ability to provide tax incentives to redevelopers (e.g. PILOTs). These incentives encourage redevelopers to accept the substantial risks and additional costs that come with most redevelopment projects – for example, the risk factor for unknown markets and the often-required construction of highly-amenitized, elevator buildings, and structured parking  (at a cost of roughly $25,000 per space vs. $3,000 per space in a surface lot).

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Are There Virtues in Vice?

March 8, 2019: Vices. New Jersey cities and towns have long tried to regulate vices and the businesses that supply them: bars, tattoo parlors, smoke shops, and various forms of adult entertainment. Yet, as more towns look to reinvigorate their Main Street storefronts and downtown areas, are there ways that some of these vices could actually be beneficial to a municipality?

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Policy News Feature

Downtown New Jersey Policy Watch – February 2019

February 12, 2019: Downtown New Jersey acts as an advocate for downtown commercial districts in New Jersey, tracking judicial and legislative issues that can affect the success of the state’s downtowns and then informing and educating members on these issues. Since our last Policy Watch, there has been movement on a few bills impacting downtowns…

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NJ State House 3a

New Jersey’s Earned Sick and Safe Days Act

October 18, 2018: The Earned Sick and Safe Days Act, signed by Governor Murphy on May 2, 2018, takes effect on October 29, 2018. The New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development recently released the mandatory notice that must be posted and distributed to all New Jersey employees under the Act.

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NJ State House 3a

DNJ Testifies in Favor of Historic Tax Credits

Oct. 18, 2018: In furtherance of our efforts to support and enhance the economic vitality of New Jersey’s downtowns, DNJ expresses its support for S1740 & 2031, the Historic Property Reinvestment Act.

Thirty-five states have a historic preservation tax credit. Without a historic preservation tax credit, New Jersey is missing out on a proven tool for economic growth and revitalization.

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